• Anchorman

    No news is good news I suppose. We hope to post some pictures in the next few days. We’ve not been doing much except driving to get to New York. We might meet up with an Ex-Pat in a few…

  • Wall Street

    I’ve just read an article in the New York Times (I know!) and its about another group of overlanders getting people to pay for their trip well this got me thinking…..Any takers on paying £1 a month to read our…

  • Ice Age1

    Its a bit cold in Utah and Colorado. It must have been at most -5c last night and well under freezing. For the first time we camped in Walmart.We’re on our way to some other overlanders near Denver. Kiwipanamerica no…

  • Canyonlands

    It had to be the best day since African times. It really is absolutely awesome. It really is nearly as good as Wadi Rum. The arches are real and yes I stood on them both. The trick is look at…

  • Convoy2

    Here we are back on the road proper. Long distances to cover interspersed with fantastic National Parks. Zion, Bryce and Capitol Reef.  At least at this end of the road it is broken up with good things, not sure about…

  • Memento

    Back in Vegas again. 3rd time this trip. One night stop over on the way across the USA to New York.In case you missed it, 2 years have passed. 26th October.More later as we are in a national park and…

  • Sweeney Todd

    (function(jQuery) { function init() { wSlideshow.render({elementID:”251978595224883447″,nav:”thumbnails”,navLocation:”bottom”,captionLocation:”bottom”,transition:”fade”,autoplay:”0″,speed:”5″,aspectRatio:”auto”,showControls:”true”,randomStart:”false”,images:[{“url”:”7/9/9/4/7994543/3222800.jpg”,”width”:187,”height”:250,”fullHeight”:768,”fullWidth”:576},{“url”:”7/9/9/4/7994543/5584196.jpg”,”width”:187,”height”:250,”fullHeight”:768,”fullWidth”:576},{“url”:”7/9/9/4/7994543/6374708.jpg”,”width”:187,”height”:250,”fullHeight”:768,”fullWidth”:576},{“url”:”7/9/9/4/7994543/7566358.jpg”,”width”:333,”height”:249,”fullHeight”:768,”fullWidth”:1024},{“url”:”7/9/9/4/7994543/838331.jpg”,”width”:333,”height”:249,”fullHeight”:768,”fullWidth”:1024},{“url”:”7/9/9/4/7994543/6941150.jpg”,”width”:333,”height”:249,”fullHeight”:768,”fullWidth”:1024},{“url”:”7/9/9/4/7994543/6023178.jpg”,”width”:333,”height”:249,”fullHeight”:768,”fullWidth”:1024},{“url”:”7/9/9/4/7994543/1578772.jpg”,”width”:333,”height”:249,”fullHeight”:768,”fullWidth”:1024},{“url”:”7/9/9/4/7994543/2609804.jpg”,”width”:333,”height”:249,”fullHeight”:768,”fullWidth”:1024},{“url”:”7/9/9/4/7994543/4297963.jpg”,”width”:333,”height”:249,”fullHeight”:768,”fullWidth”:1024}]}) } jQuery ? jQuery(init) : document.observe(‘dom:loaded’, init) })(window._W && _W.jQuery) This is a first. I’ve just cut Julies hair. No this is a woman who spends a fortune on having her hair cut (when…

  • Passenger 57

    Currently thinking about flights and of course the rest of the trip which is sort of on hold waiting for Summer in Canada. We are looking for a cheap flight home and cannot find any over in San Diego so…

  • The Fifth Estate

    Not its not Wiki-leaks but Water Leaks. Today we have removed the roof rack and all it contains. A pretty major operation which hasn't been done since and bloody long time...

  • Waterworld1

    No we didn’t got to Sea World or the Zoo. We’ve been there before. We are in San Diego. We came here for the British Car Day. We we followed into the car park, when we were scoping out the…

  • One World Two Journeys

    Henning has updated his site. Go take a look at www.oneworldonejourney.comHe doesn’t do it very often and is about to depart on the next leg of his trip. He’s currently in Canada and off to Asia. Not long and he…

  • Leaving Las Vegas1

    Finally leaving Las Vegas slightly poorer than we arrived. This is the first time we’ve lost in Vegas. Not much and we are still up on lifetime gambling. A lot up. We camped in the hotel car park where we’d…

  • Viva Las Vegas

    We really had a good time at the Land Rover (Southern California and San Diego) weekend. I did some talks and they had a collection for us ! Totally out of the blue we got a pile of Dollars for…

  • La Story

    “””Oh shit! Open season on the L.A. freeway!”””One of my favorite quotes from the masterpiece of LA Story…..True to form its almost that bad on the highway here. I don’t like LA but today we’ve been to few places we’ve…

  • Bird Man Of Alcatraz

    Been a while since I posted on here so there’s a bit of a mash of photos. Last night we had three black widows in camp….Julie got bed bug bites in the scum motel in Reno….Matilda is leaking from the…

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