Were Off
and running…..today we leave Nairobbery and head off towrds Uganda. We are going to a campsite on Lake Naivasha for a night and then on a bit further to a place Christian told us about (Who’s Christian is below). The car will hopefully work flawlessly and the new shocks will bounce us all the way there. Yesterday we met a Guy called Christian from Barnsely with an ex utility TD4 which is rather nice (meeting a fellow Yorkshireman and the car). He’s been here off and on for ages. He’s trying to become a balloon pilot. He also had the same shocks as we did and they too had broken on the top ring. So if you’re thinking of getting some Terrafirma Big Bore shocks, please don’t !!! He’s brought some more from home as he’s just been back for two weeks. They fitted them here for him. He has helper springs in the rear so i must remember to change the air bags in mine for helpers sometime. I’m going to let the air bags down a bit as we do seem a bit wobbly.Jungle Junction is OK. Its a bit expensive and as per usual i’ve picked up on all the crappy things and could fix em in a few minutes. What they need is a suggestion box.
