Mostly Done
over…..just paid for this last week and it was £75 which to me is a lot ! Did almost nothing today as i needed to set up the Laptop and this is mostly configured and at least we have Email back up and working and its got most things installed. I’ve managed to get all the photos onto the new laptop so i might be able to process some more and post em up. I’m sure this will be popular with you all.We’re still at jungle junction and getting a little miffed with the silly rules. They lock the fridge with the beer at about 8pm so last night i picked the lock for the benefit of all. Today they instlled a larger lock. I could pick this but they seemed pretty miffed they we all spent money on their beer afer it was locked. Pretty strange that they don;t want to sell it. The power also went off so i couldn’t get a shower and i was pretty dirty….photos of this below.
Panic Over