The Costs
A bloody fortune…
I’m going to put some stuff in here about costs and there’s snippets of what we’ve budgeted in other sections. This section will hopefully be kept up to date with a running total that might be in spreadsheet form but either way the full skinny will be here.
We’ve been keeping a running total on the car and its had over £20,000 spent on it. Some of you might say why not buy a new one. Well there’s a simple reason why not, the carnet de passage (the passport for the car) costs 800% of the book price of the car. So a £25,000 new car costs £200,000 in carnet and a old £1500 car costs £12,000. Have you got £200,000 to spare ? Neither have we. So buy an old one and make it new.
I’ve been reading some web sites saying you need £40 to £70 per day to do this. Simple maths (365 x 2) x £70 = £51,100 ( oh Crap ! ) add on £25,000 for the car………£76,100. Now that not too far off the calculation on the other page so panic over. I got myself into a bit of a tizzy just then. I’m off to look at the bank statements. Gulp……….
Please take a look at the how can you afford this page.
If you want to see the proper way to look after your budget take a look here.
We are keeping a very good list of the cots and will try to past an update soon….
We are under budget i think…..i also hope. Jordan was expensive and we spent more than we had hoped. Petra and the ferry weren’t cheap. I will try to update this properly soon. I you have specific questions just ask.
Accommodation Border Car Insurance Car Maintenance Car Rental/Fuel Clothing Currency Xchange Eat and Drink Entertainment Flights Home Fuel Gas Groceries Insurance Jelly Gambling Kitty Cash Laundry Medical Monuments and Parks Nelly Gambling No Spend Parking Parks and Monuments Phone Shipping solar Speeding Fine Sth America Trip Prep Stuff Toll Toll/Vignette Tolls Transit Xtras (blank) Grand Total | £5,203.36 £1,641.80 £65.24 £6,187.92 £120.53 £148.96 -£6.59 £6,903.97 £389.07 £1,639.56 £11,195.52 £20.27 £5,937.87 £322.97 £35.47 £575.00 £57.64 £103.18 £904.13 £33.00 £0.00 £93.98 £638.96 £400.31 £3,966.73 £227.96 £5.21 £21.00 £1,720.19 £80.05 £95.18 £325.00 £3,353.67 £0.00 £2,368.90 £54,776.02 | 9.50% 3.00% 0.12% 11.30% 0.22% 0.27% -0.01% 12.60% 0.71% 2.99% 20.44% 0.04% 10.84% 0.59% 0.06% 1.05% 0.11% 0.19% 1.65% 0.06% 0.00% 0.17% 1.17% 0.73% 7.24% 0.42% 0.01% 0.04% 3.14% 0.15% 0.17% 0.59% 6.12% 0.00% 4.32% 100.00% |
South America and Central America ONLY (21/11/2012 to 19/8/2013)9 Months.
Cost Update
Some slight errors in Shipping and Transit…some items in wrong category.
Accommodation Currency Xchange Eat and Drink Entertainment Fuel Gas Groceries Insurance Laundry Parking Parks and Monuments Phone Stuff Tolls Transit No Spend Car Maintenance Clothing Medical Border Car Insurance Shipping (blank) Toll GRAND TOTAL | £2,033.31 £- £2,041.12 £177.79 £3,482.36 £20.27 £1,956.16 £202.80 £28.69 £26.32 £416.41 £12.14 £188.81 £282.33 £1,889.23 £- £476.99 £24.97 £58.76 £480.39 £65.24 £1,227.01 -£6.59 £50.20 £15,134.70 | 13.4% 0.0% 13.5% 1.2% 23.0% 0.1% 12.9% 1.3% 0.2% 0.2% 2.8% 0.1% 1.2% 1.9% 12.5% 0.0% 3.2% 0.2% 0.4% 3.2% 0.4% 8.1% 0.0% 0.3% 100% |
30/10/12 COST UPDATE
(12 Months)
Accommodation Border Car Maintenance Eat and Drink Fuel Groceries Insurance Medical Monuments and Parks Parking Phone Speeding Fine Stuff Toll/Vignette Transit (blank) Entertainment solar Grand Total | £2,061.56 £1,281.72 £3,421.28 £2,468.63 £4,454.09 £2,109.09 £120.18 £22.42 £904.13 £54.45 £281.57 £5.21 £1,062.03 £90.62 £1,742.59 £80.20 £109.43 £227.96 £20,497.16 | 10.06% 6.25% 16.69% 12.04% 21.73% 10.29% 0.59% 0.11% 4.41% 0.27% 1.37% 0.03% 5.18% 0.44% 8.50% 0.39% 0.53% 1.11% 100.00% |
(6 Months)
Accomodation is anything we have spent on camping, showers, hotels etc.
Border is any money spent at Borders including Visa’s and Taxes.
Car Maint is just what it says. Anything for the car. Oil, Parts, Labour.
Eat and Drink is any food or Drink purchased pre cooked or prepared.
Fuel is Diesel.
Groceries is any food or Drink purchased for us to cook or drink on the road.
Insurance is Border insurance for the car.
Medical is anything purchased for the first aid kit.
Monumants and parks is entry fees and guides etc.
Parking is just that including fees for guards.
Phone includes Sim cards and Internet fees.
Speeding Fines are self explanatory.
Stuff is anthing that doesn’t fit somewhere else like stationary, glue, batteries etc.
Tolls are for roads etc.
Transit is for Taxi’s, Ferries and any other public transport.
Solar is when we bought a Solar Panel.
We think this is not quite correct. Theres about £1000 missing from somewhere. Will try to sort it out but at the moment we don;t know where its missing from…..
Accommodation Border Car Maintenance Eat and Drink Fuel Groceries Insurance Medical Monuments and Parks Parking Phone Speeding Fine Stuff Toll/Vignette Transit Grand Total | £774.18 £629.64 £930.71 £1452.41 £2298.12 £730.71 £87.51 £12.96 £351.81 £38.03 £143.82 £5.21 £668.74 £64.87 £318.88 £8507.62 | 9.10% 7.40% 10.94% 17.07% 27.01% 8.59% 1.03% 0.15% 4.14% 0.45% 1.69% 0.06% 7.86% 0.76% 3.75% 100.00% |