Passenger 57
Currently thinking about flights and of course the rest of the trip which is sort of on hold waiting for Summer in Canada. We are looking for a cheap flight home and cannot find any over in San Diego so we are trying to get a flight from New York which is MUCH cheaper. Trouble is we have no parking in New York and the many offers in California are no good if we are nearly 3000 miles away. We’ve messaged the nice folks at Land Rover USA to see if they can help. After all Matilda is a lovely example of one. Everyone here has been great so far and we keep meeting people to repeat the story to. We seem to spend 10minutes a day at least going over it again and again. I don’t mind but I get my sore throat back if I talk too long. All that said you know I like talking. In fact I did do it for a living……and will hopefully continue to do so. I really think when we got second prize at the British Car show it was the stories that won it,,,not the car. So come on Land Rover give us some help. After all we are promoting the brand big time. I’d love a Discovery to borrow for the rest of the trip if you’re feeling very generous. I’ve never even driven one but they look really good off and on, road. Neill’s Disco (from the San Diego Club) is pretty nice….
The Fifth Estate