La Story
“””Oh shit! Open season on the L.A. freeway!”””One of my favorite quotes from the masterpiece of LA Story…..True to form its almost that bad on the highway here. I don’t like LA but today we’ve been to few places we’ve not been to before and its actually not that bad, in parts. Some little places in West Hollywood and near Korea Town. We’ve not given LA a chance before so now we are open minded.Mum is full of the cold I gave her an some American gave me. We’ve traveled for two years almost and not been ill unless you count my mystery repeating illness. I’m blaming the close proximity to hordes of people in Walmart and other delightful places. I do wish we were in Africa again sometimes….quite a bit actually.We’ve found a lovely 5 liter boxed wine which is all of $13usd. So our drinking isn’t suffering now we are in the States. Maybe Canada will stop it. We’ve been asked when we are going to Canada and its going to be next year. Its just too cold there in Winter to go to the north to complete this continent. What are we going to do until then? We are not sure where we will winter. Maybe Florida? I’d like to get to visit some friends in Canada though before next year so we might venture up a bit. Phil might have decorated our room by the time we arrive….Eating in the USA is a bit of an experience if you’ve not been here. We’ve repeatedly visited Denny’s and although variable are really quite good and especially the 2 4 6 8 menu where you can get a proper meal for $8usd including a drink. We also enjoyed the $5usd foot long subway sandwich. Cut into three! However the Subway will go up to full price in a few days.Did you know that Walmart here takes you old engine oil back. We did an oil change in their car park….This weekend is the Land Rover meeting at Big Bear. Camping again. We miss camping. Hotels are crap.I’ve finally replaced my Axe which was stolen by someone on the Ferry from Jordan to Egypt. I’m lookign forward to using it. The Axe given to us by Mustafa is dead. The head keeps coming off and I can’t find a new shaft for it. The head is excellent and still has a good edge. We will donate it to someone if we can or its going in the trash. It served us well. Thanks Mustafa !
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Bird Man Of Alcatraz