• Rubber

    I’ve not seen this fim about a homicidal car tire…sounds really rubbish!Something thats not rubbish however is BFG Tyres. We used them round the world last time and we’ve managed to secure a partnership deal with them for this trip.…

  • The Man In The High Castle

    Its been a while hasn’t it. I’ve been busy with a new job and stuff so now thats settling down and the summer is aproaching we are getting some stuff done and going to some places. We have Morocco planned…

  • Electric Avenue

    A bit of work on the new ambulance in the form of water and power. Wasn’t there a film about that. Anyhow. I put in a split charge to help the solar system keep the batteries charged up. I tidied…

  • Drive Tribe

    Theres a new kid on the block called Drive Tribe. For those of you who do not know about it this is the ex- Top Gear crews attempt at social media. We’d love you to join us on there and…

  • 500 Days Of Summer

    UK Shakedown….Route NC500. Country = Scotland. A weeks driving testing every aspect of Henrietta and seeing some of the North and places i’ve never been to before. Weather was acceptable but not great. The Solar only just kept the batteries…

  • Whatever Works

    00:30hrs on Friday morning…up at 7am and on the way to Adventure Overland Show. You should have been there. It was GREAT !!!!I was absolutely knackered. Shes getting there and shes nearly,,,very nearly finished.

  • Rv

    So she’s back from the place that does stuff. She looks just like the CAD I did so that’s good. Only a few problems in the build that I’m not 100% happy with. They’ve made some errors and to be…

  • Bank Job

    Its started the money has changed hands and the dates are set for the fitting out. The below video gives you and idea of what we are going for. Theres so many things in the design its taken literally loads…

  • Skyfall

    So the skylights are in. VERY easy. Second one took about 20mins first one about an hour. Things to watch. 3.5mm pan head screws need to be long (mine are 50mm although my roof is 9mm thicker due to ply…

  • Ace Ventura Pet Detective

    Those keen eyed of you will note i’ve covered over the air intakes for the Eberspacher with the ply. So i need some more. My idea of having them in the cab nearly went completely wrong. Luckily it was fixable.…

  • Complete Unknown

    A bit more ply lining done in the Pulse Ambulance (officially a BFA or battlefield ambulance). The vents in the roof will be replaced with proper ones from a campervan. Something about a foot square will do. One in each…

  • Chipmunk

    In anticipation of the five star deluxe version 2 interior Henrietta is getting ply lined. Julie was on hand to give me some support and even came up with some good ideas, one being the cutting method for the wheel…

  • Map Of The Human Heart

    Finally after hours of messing about I got the full map uploaded to Google. Many problems overcome and the log size reduced to a Google friendly size. Lots of waypoints discarded but essentially this is it !

  • Carpetbaggers

    Ordered 12 meters of 4 way stretch carpet (EL154) for the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room and study. Its comes with 12 tins of high temp glue so that should be enough to have every glue sniffing lowlife round to our…

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