There Is No Time Only Money
As a wise South African once said….actually not sure Coen was wise but he came up with this whilst we were chatting in Lataba in Kruger park. We are now in Balule Bush Camp and surrounded by Hyenas and there not more than 2 meters away from us. Literally the other side of the electric (thank eddison) fence. They look mean as i’m sure Henning will testify. My taunt to them was “come on i have a Leatherman and a torch” but they didn’t seem bothered. This is exactly what Henning was armed with on that terrible night when he was stuck 98km from Marsabit on the Moyale Road. Henning at the moment is still in Kenya and still in love. Good luck to him. I do hope he gets to carry on with his long standing dream and travel the world on his bike but it looks to be on hold for love. If theres anything that stops a dream its replacing it with another.As for the BIG five we’ve seen Elephants and Buffalo and the rest are missing. We are leaving Kruger soon so we arn’t even half way to the goal. My big horn as Alistair so predictably said is not as rare as the other it seems.If we compare this camp to the others in Mozambique there is just no competition. This is cheaper and significantly better equiped. Even this bush camp is better equiped than the ones in Mozambique. The Germans we are camping with agree completely that Moz is very expensive and they’ve been in Africa for 17 months (at least a month in Moz) and are going home early next month. The only problem with Kruger is the system says the camp is full and wouldn’t let them book in here, however we could add them to our booking and get them and their car into a empty spot next to us on our booking for a payment of less than a standard booking. They are in one of the 5 or more empty spots in the camp and have all the same gear we do and yet can camp in the spot for less than us as long as we added them to our booking. Yet the camp is full ??? (BTW they have compensated us for this and are very happy even though i said beer payment was enough).