Schindlers List
As were at home we’d thought we’d make my life hell for the entire duration so the film title works on two levels….. Our ever growing list of things I need to do isn’t getting any shorter. One list item was to complete my tax return. We got over £4000 back off the tax-man based on last years return in under a week! I didn’t earn enough so as they were taxing me based on the entire years earnings and I finished in September so earnt much less than they thought. Taxing this way is normal in the UK but getting it back isn’t usually easy . A few days after I submitted my tax return I have the money in the bank so I’m really happy. (its already spent)We’ve also registered for zero tax on my bank account as we no longer earn anything so should be paying no tax on our interest.My list includes Items we’ve already had delivered but I’ve not yet ordered the parts needed for Matlida. This is a quite a few. One of my parts suppliers has offered to help and given me a good price but not unfortunatly free or 50% off the cost. I should start pretending to support Unicef or something. Anyhow I’ve been through that already.We got our business cards today….Thanks to an online producer. Pretty speedy and pretty cheap.
We also have a new water filter for my aged pump. It must be 20years old as my brother got it for me a LONG time ago for my birthday. The company that made it has been sold twice so I’m amazed you can still get them. We also have some new rechargeable batteries for all our stuff. Its the other things that you don;t think of, new underware and new socks for example. Now I know they sell them all over the world but its not the same as M&S pants…..
Leaving Las Vegas