Final Destination
No we’ve not finished the trip quite yet but as I said were almost there with one continent. Our Carnet de Passage (“vehicle passport”) runs out in a month so this means today my Mum is waiting for a very special delivery that means we can carry on. I’ll let you know later if everything goes to plan. How we get it to South Africa before the 31st is anybodies guess. Update later…..Theres another issue. It seems the South African AA want ~850rand to swap the carnets over or 650rand to perform and extension. So I think I need to contact the RAC for some advice. Henning mentioned something about this little rip off a few weeks ago. I should have listened. The UK carnet is £195 and adding on another £50 or more pounds is a royal cheat. I don’t really want to leave the SACU (South African Customs Union) just to get the old carnet stamped out and the new one stamped in. This is easy to do but its a bit of a drive from capetown to Zimbabwe or Mozambique. Moz is nearer but still a LONG way BTW the refurbished transfer box is doing OK after a couple of hundred kilometers. Let see if it explodes later. Doom and Gloom….I always aim to please. I worry too much.Pictures from Boulders Beach (the one with the penguins) on a very nice early summer Sunday. You can see how busy it was ! Another picture with a little reminder how far it is to get home. I could have sworn we’ve driven 50,000km so we’ve certainly taken a wrong turn or two.

Total Recall
