The Cell
We’ve been to a few places since my last post. Most significant is Sossusvlei (pronounced Sossifley). This is a place where they have filmed quite a few films, surprisingly. One of them being a film with Jenifer Lopez and we couldn’t remember the name. So there you have it, The Cell. The recent Mad Max is also filmed here and in Namibia as I’ve mentioned. Anyhow you can see from the photos what it’s like. At least you can see the main attraction with its dead trees and lake. Those with a bit more time and energy can climb Big Daddy and you can see the intrepid French on their way down (about 2 hours up and down). We took some photos that we will Email to them. We didn’t have time and due to the fact they charge 170N$ to go in and then a fortune to camp (150N$ pppn) along with another days entry on top (so 470N$ or ~£36) we decided to go in one day and wild camp that evening. The campsite outside the gates being 415N$ was also too expensive. Thanks to the “safari on foot” man who we met at the petrol station we were told (I asked) about a picnic spot 30km down the road which is fine to camp. He’d also told an overland bus the same info the very same day in Solitaire so no sooner had I set up my fire than an Overland Bus turned up. They asked permission to squeeze in with us and of course I said yes. How could I turn down another vehicle named Matilda! The Aussie driver was filling in for a driver who’d done a runner and although the bus says otherwise they were part of African Trails. The same company we met in Luxor all those months ago and Mark the driver. The driver Suzie gave us loads of info on South America as she’d been there the four years previous. African Trails really are the nicest bunch of overland people and both buses we’ve met have been filled with nice guests and nice staff. We’ve only met a few other bus companies whose drivers would even give us the time of day and the guests are ignorant, usually. (Apologies to the other two nice drivers we’ve met who were great but had ignorant guests, one in Dar and one in Malawi).So there you have it another few days on the road. Henning is winging his way down to meet us. oOer the next few days we will likely end up in the “Land Rover Hospital” for a check up.We also met a nice German in Windhoek with a 110 Puma and a pop roof. He’s been on the road a long time and has a long time in front of him. He seems to do a lot of partying as he was usually out till 6am each night. Either that or he’s a vampire. We also bought Dash a new bed. Being in his chair all day was making his back sore.I nearly forgot to say we went to Luderitz. Thats all there is to say about that dump. (Typical seaside off season and not good). Apologies to Mr. S French as the kite surfing world record is in October… photos.
The Oscars