American Pie 2
Last night we stayed at Solitaire and yesterday we had one apple pie and this morning another apple pie. So those who guessed American Pie can have a treat. Those that guessed I would have two apple pies, can also have two treats for guessing American Pie 2. (those who want to argue its German Pie can keep it to themselves)Julies pointed out we are 300 days into our trip today. Now my clock on the home page says its only 298 days. This is becuase we didn’t set off till after midday so at about 1pm we will be 299 on the clock. The clock also doesn’t count the first day as day 1. Only initially after 24 hours will it show a 1. So we are IN our 300th day this afternoon but tomorrow at 1pm we will have complteted 300 days. Gedit ?This travelling thing involves a lot of maths….fuel, money, days, distances, times etc….