Vertical Limit
Not had much Internet access lately. Back in Chile for the last time and this time we are in at Mendoza and over to Santiago and Val Pariso. Henning is delayed because he has tooth-ache. If theres ever been and more lame excuse for staying in Africa i’m yet to hear it……its got to be something to do with his perverted needs and his lovely “African Rose”,,,,, and nothing to do with his teeth !This part of our trip seems to be a journey to all of the service stations in South America and to random supermarkets….I’m sure we are now honorary truckers as we sleep, eat and shower in the same places…We visited the main Land Rover dealer in Mendoza the other day. Only a few days after Bill and Rosemary had been there looking for the same parts ! Strange coincidence and small world. We never got what we wanted as they’d purchased them all…..but anyhow our need wasn’t great as I still have some spares and I was just trying to re-stock just-in-case.