Some of you know the problem we had with a recent visit to get tyres fitted. As part of the fitting they had a little accident with Matilda in they lowered half the car onto a axle stand that had been left under the chassis. This resulted in a dent in the underside of the chassis. We took some photos and I’ve had loads of people look at it via the forums. The fitting company also sent out an Engineer to take a look. To be honest the engineer knew nothing about Land Rovers and it was embarrassing to see him look at the doors like they are misaligned. The opinion of all, including me is its fine. In addition to this is that it would be worse to actually fix it by cutting it out as the integrity is not compromised. Any how we threatened legal action after they said it wasn’t their fault, which it was and my car is bruised. At first we thought a new chassis might be required but its well away from that level, well away. So after a pretty speedy back and forth with their legal guys they offered us $500 in settlement which although barely covers our phone calls ($45) and days stationary (3 x $90) its enough to pay someone to weld over a patch which we are not going to do unless I start worrying about it…..