Stir Crazy
I’m not quite there yet and we’ve had things to do. Like sleep to the sound of Tennis Balls bouncing at 8am….We ignore this and carry on. Just like the English. Carry on regardless.The car parts are on their way. They should be here Monday or Tuesday at which point I will fix the car. New seals and a new timing belt (currently covered in oil) and replace the engine oil……except.Do you know (i did not) that engine oil is not always compatible with Diesel engines. The oil i got, for the first time ever is Petrol only…..I’m flabbergasted. So tomorrow I need to take it back and swap it. Except i don’t think anyone sells oil for diesel cars. I hope they speak English. Also when we got he oil they gave us a tonne of free shit. Luckily i’ve not used any of it so they can have it back. More luckily the Auto shop is a chain store and they have a really good return policy printed on the receipt so it should be OK. Julie had her first Tequila. She’s not impressed. I like it and always have. I do like Vodka, and Gin and Southern Comfort. I like Southern Comfort….I really do….with Ice….on its own. Except I can drink at least an entire bottle in one go. It becomes expensive.Henning has updated his blog. Finally…..go to the links page to get to his blog.There is an Overlander here (in this camp) who’s been here for FOUR YEARS !!!!! Holly SHIT batman…..i do not call this overlanding, more of retiring.I’ve taken advantage (after asking) of downloading LOTS of stuff. We have new maps for Mexico, USA, Canada and lots of TV we have missed. Movies, Music and all sort of stuff we know is illegal but eventually we will pay for this crap. Just not quite now. When I get to UK and sky start taking £40 per month off me for the one channel we watch then i will be paying for it… know its £15 for 104 channels here a month.Do you like the new way of showing the photos ????
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