Out Of Africa Actually Into Africa
Just a few photos and a quick message. We’ve found a very nice Englishman who’s Egyptian and lives here. He’s a Doctor and has give us a lot of pointers. Thanks to him we are currently parked on his drive in a very nice quiet area in Cairo. The Shooting Club district. I thought the shooting club was in Syria and we past that already……Photo’s below from a few locations. Mostly Sharm. My foot does hurt and i’ve got some cream. The one on the boat was before i found out we’d been robbed !Jacqui,,,no diving. Sorry.Visa applications tomorrow. Ethiopia first then Sudan. The Sudanese Embassy and the UK one are near the trouble spot in Cario but by all accounts its fine most days and we can safely pass. The British Embassy have removed the warning from from their web site for the time being so no need to call them any longer. We will be going to Sudanese and UK embassies later in the week.
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