Long Way Round
I bet the team of helpers for those two bikers never let them drive 140miles for no reason.Matilda was in a hurry to get to a recommended campsite on the lake called Malawi. She was driving at night through 75cm deep water in what is really her first swim. (this wasn’t planned as the camp was 60km further than we thought on tracks) She did this twice only to arrive at the third swollen river, which wasn’t a charm. An earlier bus and truck were blocking our path and just sort of “floating” there in the distance. The locals we great and tried to redirect us on the long way round. Turned out to be a VERY long way round so we aborted in favour of backtrack. So we had to backtrack over 100km to the camp we’d seen earlier in the day,,,much earlier. We arrived there at well past 10pm. We’ve now gone back to the main town to a Christian Mission to basically fill up with Diesel before heading into Malawi. Our little excursion had used 140miles from our 800mile range and we need this in Malawi as they have very little Diesel and what they do have is poor quality and $4usd per litre (if you can get any). A thoroughly rubbish day…..To top all this off i noticed the suspension was broken so i spent today fixing that. The top rubber mount for the Air Lift system was broken. I hope my epoxy is good at sticking this type of plastic/rubber. It doesn’t look like polypropylene. Fingers crossed it isn’t otherwise i will need to get one made from wood somewhere.

Two Time Winners
