Cruising Karak By Land Rover
Poor little Matilda has never seen such hills than the ones on Jordan. I nearly had to go into low ratio to get up to the castle car park. This isn’t helped byt the fact they pull out on you not realising i’m carrying 3 Tonne and my handbrake isn’t very good !!The castle is really good the car park is even better having got the best nights sleep so far. Better than the hotels by miles. Its only 1jod to get in a well worth the visit the excellent tour guide helped us wth the parking/sleeping arrangements and even got us a hot shower in the morning. This was in the ladies toilets but i’m not shy,,,the other tourists that came in part way through Julies drying session on the other hand might have been ! We used the shower bag obtained in Decathlon on our last trip, Morrocco. The guide showed us how to turn on the hot water so one hour later we could fill the bag from the tap. The hour was spent taking the rear door stay off (the thing that stops it blowing open and closed). This had fractured and broken and needs to be replaced (this is a later story).You might see from the Map this evening we spend in a quarry and i did my first green field number 2 ( more on these later ! ). Julies still not needed one….i’m sure women are decended from camels and can hold it for a week. I wondered why she keeps getting strange looks from the “ships of the dessert”. Possibly it should be shit in the dessert.

Amman A Woman And A Salty Drink
