Pretty good cover near the roads, elsewhere it’s not covered.
AsiaCell is best cover but not the best speed based on official reviews.
Packages from AsiaCsll are below.
AsiaCell Packages
There’s an unlimited package for 40,000.
Don’t forget the SIM card is 6500 on top of all the packages.
Translation of Pacages
We went to a AsiaCell store in Basrah and got the package with passport. Not cards only cash and they had no change so be prepared.
They also strangely needed mothers name and an address.
Basrah Times Square Mall Store although there is one other store on the main road about 3 or 4 blocks up past the junction with the police on it on the left. Both had LATE opening at after 12pm. There was a lot of confusion as to the official opening but is was Ramadan so I’d plan for 2pm.