It’s been another few months since i posted but we’ve been active on Social Media. I still get loads of visits here so here goes. I think the last post was from Angola. We’ve been in Namibia and a bit of drinking and shenanigans were undertaken. We do that a lot it seems. We met some great people, got an invalid (in my eyes and the eyes of the law) ticket off the police. We saw loads of stuff, we were there for three months! It was great, we are going back next year. So on exiting Angola the TIP caused some problems at the border as it was blank. The people issuing it made a right mess partially due to the fact they issued it when we left Cabinda as the people used the Carnet when we entered Cabinda. The people at the exit insisted on trying to correct the error of the Carnet use. I tried to stop them. Turns out i was right they should have left it alone, stamped out the Carnet and left me to get a a proper TIP entering main Angola. I mean who issues an entry TIP when you are leaving. Well they tried. We go into Namibia and that was also a bit of fun. Immigration wouldn’t stamp the second passports they wanted to stamp the ones we left Angola on. So they made a fuss. So we went back into Angola and got the second passport stamped out of Angola, passports that had never entered Angola. They were really helpful and just said “OK”. The Namibian Immigration then had no choice as they’d said they would do it if the Angolans stamped it. They were not happy as they expected the Angolans to be arse holes….they were NOT. They were perfectly reasonable and stamped us. The Namibian lady was not happy and pretty unreasonable. She refused to serve us. LOL

On going to our Wildcamp in Namibia I spotted another Overlander. It turns out he was going to the same camp. When we got there, to cut a long story short, we’d met before. We met him in 2012 in Windhoek. Lutz is a German who previously drove a Land Rover. He now drives a Land Cruiser. I don’t like him as much now….we had a great time.

The roads in Namibia are no good. Corrugations for mile and miles and miles. Sometimes they are BIG. The car was being shaken to pieces.

We also met bruce and Laurie again from Livingstone Journal

We ended up at Oppi Oppi Koppi, the free for Overlanders, campsite. Its a brilliant place to do maintenance, get drunk, meet locals and get drunk. We met Jasper, Anna and Duncan. Jasper like a party. Hopefully we didn’t disappoint.

We passed the Tropic of Capricorn again and again and again….we were there three months!

The barrel at Signal Hill, a very remote Wild Camp. The old vehicles as Solitair. Few animals we saw from the truck. Not even in a Safari Park. They are just there in the Desert.

We climbed the Big Daddy dune as Sossusvlei / Deadvlei. Julie recreating the 2012 jump shot.

Confessions Of An Action Star
