Jodi Foster would be proud…..but the beach looks only a little like the one in the movie…maybe we were in the wrong part. Some photos of friends and some shots from the back of the hotel where we had free accommodations. Thanks to Clive. We should be arriving in New Orleans today and we are still looking for a safe place to park. We have a few offers from Land Rover people but nothing is set in stone so we are going to see what we can find just in case. Finally we have uncovered the web site on the side of the car. The one we covered over after the Costa Rica incident. We are now getting all sorts of additional comments and requests. Isn’t advertising wonderful ! I’m sure if you had put my web site on the side of a naked woman you couldn’t get more press. Matilda is beautiful so maybe its that….she’s still awesome. We get the surfer radical hand gesture (I think its called the SHAKA) from quite a few passing motorists. Even ones in Jeeps…

Road Trip
