A Warm Bath And A Night In
Tonight we stay at “Warm Baths” otherwise known as Bela Bela. We are staying in a campsite with a waterpark attached and its got heated pools so depending on how drunk we get we might be in one of them later on…..report in a later blog on that. The last time we were in a pool after midnight was on honeymoon and much alcohol had been drunk and much antics performed. I remember back flips and stuff……not at my age now.The camp has been reviewed on Trip Advisor so in a few days you can read it. Its not one of my best reviews from a literal sense as theres not a lot to say about this place. Its a campsite with a water park.We’ve banned Wimpy. This is a family thing so six month ban for the first offence. The Club Sandwich had too much mayo it fell to pieces as the bread was soggy, the fries were hardly cooked at all. Staff didn’t seem too bothered so a ban is in place. So to all family and friends you should go elsewhere for the six months. Vote with your feet is one of my many beliefs. There’s enough choice to go elsewhere.
The Hand That Rocks
