Nile River Explorers Camp
We found a good camp in the name of the above. Its meant to be $5 per night but we did a deal and pay slightly less. We decided to stay 2 nights…maybe three. I’m tempted to pay the $125 and go rafting…not sure. Its expensive and we’ve done it before but just not here. We’ve also met another English couple called Mark and Jinny in a rented Foley’s Land Rover. We met them at Naiberi and then at Sipi and now here in Explorer’s. They’ve travelled up from Namibia and have three months off work living the dream. They are both self employed so they can make the time off. The package from Foley’s seems good at about 70 quid per day. We’ve also met a team of rugby coaches doing and African tour teaching rugby. They are a mixed nationality group but they are also in Foley vehicles and one of the team is Nick Foley the son of the owner. Needless to say he get lumbered with all the fix it jobs that need doing. He’s rather like me in that respect.I forgot to mention yesterday they our awning was blown over the top of the car at Sipi. Much damage resulted and the awning was almost knackered. I managed to fix it with numerous rivits and bolts. Its not quite as new but not far off. Thankfully i decided to bring the rivit gun and a selection of rivits as i wouldn’t have been able to fix it without them. The Drill and Dremell also got some use…..
Uganda Here We Are