Gambia To Senegal Border Seleti

This is a super easy border. Just don’t arrive on the Senegal side at lunchtime. You know the lunches that are 3 hours long from 12 to 3pm. How a country runs with everyone doing this is beyond me. They start at 8am and finish at 5 but have 3 hours off in the middle. Anyhow, yet again we arrived in the middle. The Douanes on the Senegal side is closed for lunch. Other than that I presume they are NOT 24 hours here.
Gambia side is all in one building to the right of the road going south. There’s 2 steps to perform and the first in in the little window to the right. This is  simple process and Jelly stayed in the car. The second part is the office to the left and that’s the carnet stamp. Julie never left the car as is normal. There was no hassle really apart from a guy wanting a lift to Senegal. No money spent.
You then drive through no mans and on perfect tar and to the Senegal side. This is two buildings quite far apart (drive it) and one hut. The first part is the Carnet Office on the left and thats shut for lunch for 3 hours. The second part is the little Hut where you show your passport also on the left. The Carnet and Hut were easy. The guy in the Hut wants to see your passport, that’s all. No money spent.
Drive on to the passport control hut about 1km farther on. This has two windows and also had a large queue for the outbound window on the left so I presume also shut for lunch and clearing the backlog. You need the smaller window on the right. There was a helper here which I presume was official although not in uniform. He told us where to park and dragged me from the wrong queue and put me at the smaller window on the right. The guy in here was a big officious but all good. Wanted to see both people and needed occupation for his book. No money spent.

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